Data Types, Expressions, Control Flow and Unit Tests

You will explore these topics with a partner.

Lesson: Data Types

Review: Ruby Data Types

On a piece of paper:

  1. Write a line of Ruby code that illustrates that arrays are heterogeneous
  2. Write a line of Java code that highlights the fact that Java arrays are homogeneous.
  3. Write a line of code that illustrates that ArrayList in Java can be heterogeneous

Symbols are ubiquitous in Ruby, but can be confusing at first. Read:

Add to your paper:

  1. Explain the statement “A Ruby symbol is an object with O(1) comparison”.
  2. Name one common usage for a symbol

Do a quick Google-search to explore: How do Ruby’s symbol compare to C++ enums? to Java enums?

Lesson: Expressions

Review: Ruby Expressions. From the Ruby demo files you downloaded in the Intro exercise, take a look at ruby_expressions.rb.

Self Test

Explore, no need to record answers, but DO answer every question!

  1. Does Ruby have overloaded operators? Is there any difference between puts a[0] and puts a.[](0)?
  2. What is the effect of: a.[]=(0, 5)?
  3. What is an lvalue?
  4. How does parallel assigment work?
  5. Are constants really constant in Ruby?
  6. What does it mean to be right associative?
  7. What is a programming idiom?
  8. What is short-circuit evaluation?
  9. What can you do with the splat?
  10. In a Ruby program, you see the name whatever. How would Ruby decide whether this is a variable or a method?

Control Flow

Review: Ruby Control Flow. From the downloaded files, take a look at ruby_control_flow.rb.

Slides 1-11: Part of the popularity of Ruby stems from its expressive syntax. Review these slides and play with the code corresponding code, through the comment that says #yield.

Add to your paper:

Ruby Unit Tests

On your own (not an in-class exercise).

The concept of unit tests is the same as other languages. Review Ruby Unit Tests. From the downloaded files, take a look at ruby_unit_test.rb. The only self-test is to be sure you understand why we need assert_in_delta rather than just assert_equal.

Note: The hardest part of using Ruby unit tests is that the syntax changed after Ruby 1.8. Be sure you have installed a later version of Ruby. Be sure that the tests really run. You’ll practice this in the Ruby Basics homework. If you have issues, submit questions on Piazza.


No submission. Keep your answers as a study guide.