Exception Alternatives


Explore some error handling ideas that are not as similar to Java/C++.


Read the following links:

  1. https://davidnix.io/post/error-handling-in-go/
  2. http://www.golangpatterns.info/error-handling
  3. https://blog.golang.org/defer-panic-and-recover
  4. https://www.reddit.com/r/golang/comments/3sfjho/gos_error_handling_is_elegant/


With a partner or small group, discuss and write up brief answers to:

  1. Describe the Error type and how it’s typically checked in Go (article 1).
  2. Why do you think the author in article 2 does not like the patterns shown under Bad Usage of Errors?
  3. Compare/contrast defer, panic, and recover in Go to exception handling in Java, including the finally clause (article 3).
  4. Skim article 4. Several posters mention error handling in languages like Haskell. We’ll study this later. (Nothing to write down for this one.)
  5. Debate among yourselves (and write down a summary of your thoughts): Do you like the way Go handles errors? Why or why not?