Homework: Ruby Email Log Exercise


Use regular expressions to solve a realistic problem.


This exercise may be done with a partner.

Email Log Analyzer

Your friend Bob has come to you in a panic. He’s in charge of a software engineering project that includes sending emails, but there was a glitch in the system. He needs to know what messages were sent over a 2-day period of time. The only info he has is a system log (available under Preparation). He doesn’t really understand the format of the log, but he’s hoping you can give him a report that includes for each message:

He also wants to know the total number of messages.

You, of course, know that this is a job for Ruby and some regular expressions. You also, following good software engineering processes, know that you should write unit tests that ensure you are extracting all fields correctly, and also test that you are recognizing the correct number of messages (you need to figure out how many there are… no fair asking on Piazza).


This exercise is worth 50 points.

Points Metric
4 Correct number of messages extracted. (Show the total so it’s easy to grade.)
4 Correctly handle messages with multiple ‘to’ addresses
20 Listing of messages includes id, date/time, size, from, and to.
12 Unit tests for extracting fields and checking for correct number of messages.
10 Reasonable code structure with plenty of comments. We should be able to look at your code and quickly see how it’s structured. Putting everything in one long method will not earn all style points. Decision of the grader is final… to protect yourself, submit clean code with comments!


For ease of grading, please:

Zip all files, including the mail.log file, and submit on Canvas. If you worked with a partner, submit just one copy and include your partner’s name in the comments.