CSCI400 – 11/30 Handout


In the lecture, we constructed our own parsers and parser combinators, where ‘parser combinators’ basically means ‘functions that can be used to combine parsers’. In the lecture, our combinators were andThen and stuff, which we then related to the functions in the Monad typeclass: (>>=) (‘bind’) and return.

-- same purpose as >>=
andThen :: Parser s a -> (a -> Parser s b) -> Parser s b
andThen parse next = \input ->
  case parse input of
    Nothing          -> Nothing
    Just (a, input') -> next a input'

-- same purpose as return
stuff :: a -> Parser s a
stuff a = \input -> Just (a, input)

These functions, andThen and stuff, allowed us to take a parser that looked like this:

versionDumb :: Parser String (Int, Int)
versionDumb = \input ->
  case string "HTTP/" input of
    Nothing -> Nothing
    Just (_,rest1) ->
      case number rest1 of
        Nothing -> Nothing
        Just (maj,rest2) ->
          case string "." rest2 of
            Nothing -> Nothing
            Just (n,rest3) ->
              case number rest3 of
                Nothing -> Nothing
                Just (min,rest4) -> Just ((maj,min),rest4)

and instead write it like this:

version2 :: Parser String (Int, Int)
version2 =
  string "HTTP/" `andThen` \_ ->
  number         `andThen` \maj ->
  string "."     `andThen` \_ ->
  number         `andThen` \min ->
  stuff (maj,min)

While this is certainly better than versionDumb, it’s still not that pretty to look at.

do Notation

Let’s assume that we’d implemented the Monad typeclass for our Parser type. As a reminder, the Monad typeclass looks like this:

class Monad m where
  (>>=) :: m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b
  return :: a -> m a

This means that we’d have to implement the (>>=) and return functions for our Parser type. We can leverage the functions we’ve already written here:

instance Monad (Parser s) where
  (>>=)  = andThen
  return = stuff

The andThen and stuff functions behaved exactly as we’d want (>>=) and return to, so we just use those functions in defining the Monad typeclass instance for our parser type.

In doing this, we’d be able to rewrite our version2 parser to use these functions by replacing andThen with >>= and stuff with return:

version3 :: Parser String (Int, Int)
version3 =
  string "HTTP/" >>= \_ ->
  number         >>= \maj ->
  string "."     >>= \_ ->
  number         >>= \min ->
  return (maj,min)

This is just as ugly though – all we’ve done so far is rename a couple of functions.

Now we come to something that you may have seen around, but we haven’t talked about yet: do notation. do notation is simply syntactic sugar for expressions that are built using the Monad functions (>>=) and return. We can use do notation to rewrite version3 as:

version4 :: Parser String (Int, Int)
version4 = do
  string "HTTP/"
  maj <- number
  string "."
  min <- number
  return (maj, min)

Note that, as far as the compiler is concerned, version4 is exactly the same as version3. The compiler would simply de-sugar version4 to version3, because do notation is just syntactic sugar.

You can use do notation for any function that returns a type that is a part of the Monad typeclass, which our parser type is now. This provides a means of using the Monad design pattern without the ugly syntax.

Applicative Parsing

do notation gives us one way to clean up our parser definitions. The thing about do, though, is that 1. it’s fairly straightforward to use, but 2. it’s difficult to really understand what it’s doing.

So let’s approach this from a different angle. Let’s write our parsers using a few other typeclasses, namely Functor, which gives us the (<$>) (‘fmap’) operator, and Applicative, which gives us the (<*>) (‘apply’) operator and a few others (namely, (*>) and (<*)). We’ll also see the Alternative typeclass, which gives us (<|>) – you’ll get an idea of how this operator works from the chapter reading. We’ll call this style ‘applicative Parsec’.

Applicative Parsec will allow us to take parsers that look like this:

majorVersion :: Parser String Int
majorVersion = do
  string "HTTP/"
  maj <- number
  return maj

And rewrite them like this:

majorVersion :: Parser String Int
majorVersion = string "HTTP/" *> number

As another example, consider a Person data type:

data Person = Person Name Age
type Name   = String
type Age    = Int

Given parsers for a Name and Age, called p_name and p_age, resp.:

-- definitions not given, just type signatures
p_name :: Parser Name
p_age  :: Parser Age

Note: The type we’ve been using for parsing has been Parser s a, where s is the type of the input to be parsed (String for us) and a is the result of the parsing, AKA the type of the value that the parser holds for us. When we write parsers for the assignment, the s will be removed and we’ll just have Parser a as the generic parser type – this just means that the fact that we’re always parsing a String is implicit in the Parser type itself, so we don’t include the additional s type variable. I’m doing the same thing in this example for parsing a Person.

We can write a parser for a Person by combining these two parsers. Using do notation, this would look like:

p_person :: Parser Person
p_person = do
  name <- p_name
  age  <- p_age
  return $ Person name age

Translating this to use the applicative Parsec style would give us:

p_person :: Parser Person
p_person = Person <$> p_name <*> p_age

You might think one of these is cleaner than the other, but the latter form is the one we’ll be using on the second half of the project.

From here, you should read the Parsec chapter of Real World Haskell. Parsec is a parsing library in Haskell. The one we’ll actually be using is megaparsec, but they’re similar enough that the book chapter should give you a solid start. Note that the chapter starts off by using do notation to define parsers, then moves to the notation that we want to use, which is ‘applicative Parsec’. However, it explains applicative Parsec using do notation, so it’s helpful to understand both.