Final Project, Part 2 – Haskell Calculator

This assignment is due Thursday, December 14 by 11:59:59 pm. You may work with a partner on this project.


In the second part of this project, you’ll be adding a new feature to the calculator – functions. Example of how this will work:

> n := 1
> f(x, y) := x * y - n
> f(3, 2)

You will implement this feature almost entirely from scratch. You’ll be provided the relevant data constructors, then you will add to the evaluator, executor, and the parser.


You’ll have to update the Stmt, Expr, and Val types with additional data constructors to support functions.


You should modify the Stmt data declaration with

  1. The data constructor FuncStmt String [String] Expr.
  2. Add Eq to the list of derived typeclasses so that your code will run with the tests.

After these modifications, your declaration should look like:

data Stmt = SetStmt String Expr
          | SeqStmt [Stmt]
          | FuncStmt String [String] Expr
  deriving (Eq, Show)

The FuncStmt constructor is used to represent a function definition. The semantics of the arguments are:

For example, the function f(x, y) := x + y would have the following Stmt representation:

FuncStmt "f" ["x","y"] (AddExpr (VarExpr "x") (VarExpr "y"))


You should modify the Expr data declaration with

  1. The data constructor AppExpr String [Expr].
  2. Add Eq to the list of derived typeclasses so that your code will run with the tests.

After these modifications, your declaration should look like:

data Expr = NumExpr      Float
          | ConstExpr    String
          | VarExpr      String
          | AddExpr      Expr Expr
          | SubtractExpr Expr Expr
          | MultiplyExpr Expr Expr
          | DivideExpr   Expr Expr
          | AppExpr      String [Expr]
  deriving (Eq, Show)

The AppExpr constructor is used to represent a function application (i.e. ‘calling’ a function). The semantics of the arguments are:

For example, the function application f(1, pi) would have the following Expr representation:

AppExpr "f" [NumExpr 1.0, ConstExpr "pi"]


You should modify the Val data declaration by adding the data constructor CloVal [String] Expr Env.

After this modification, your declaration should look like:

data Val = NumVal Float
         | CloVal [String] Expr Env
         | ExnVal String
  deriving Eq

CloVal is necessary to give us a way to store a function in the calculator’s environment (since the Env is a mapping from String to Val). The key in the environment would be the function’s name, and the value would be the CloVal.

The CloVal constructor is used to represent a closure. A closure is a record that stores the information that the evaluator needs when evaluating an AppExpr – the names of the function arguments, the function body, and the environment at the time the function was created. The semantics of the arguments are:

For example, if there are no variables defined in the environment, the function definition f(x, y) := x + y would have the following Val representation:

CloVal ["x","y"] (AddExpr (VarExpr "x") (VarExpr "y")) H.empty

where H.empty is an empty Env.

On the other hand, if the following input is ran:

> i := 2
> j := 3
> f(x, y) := x + y
> k := 4

Then, the environment stored with the CloVal would contain entries for i and j, but not for k (since k was not in the environment at the time the CloVal for f was created). This allows you to use variables that were defined prior to the function within the function expression. For example, you can run:

> n := 1
> f(x) := x + n

The environment stored in the CloVal would contain the mapping from n to NumVal 1.0 – then, when evaluating the expression stored with the CloVal, which is AddExpr (VarExpr "x") (VarExpr "n"), you can lookup the value of n in the environment associated with the CloVal for the function f.

You should also modify your Show Val instance to handle CloVal:

instance Show Val where
  show (NumVal x) = show x
  show (ExnVal e) = "Error: " ++ e
  show (CloVal params body env) = "<" ++ show params ++ ", "
                                      ++ show body   ++ ", "
                                      ++ show env    ++ ">"


You must write your parsers in the Applicative form as laid out in the Real World Haskell reading (Chapter 16). This means that you should not use any do blocks and you should use operators like <$>, <*>, and <|>.

Note: In the discussion below, whenever we say that a parser ‘returns’ a value, we’re referring to the type of the value that the parser holds after it successfully parses input. So we’d say that a parser of type Parser Line returns a Line. This is simply a term we use for convenience which does not necessarily have a greater meaning outside of this context.

Let’s go over parts of the parser that you have already.

The approach to writing parsers that we’ve discussed involves taking 1. simple parsers, and 2. parser combinators (operators to combine parsers) to build more complex parsers.

Consider the highest-level parser we have in this file, p_line:

p_line :: Parser Line
p_line =  Stmt <$> try p_stmt
      <|> Expr <$> p_expr

First consider the type, Parser Line – roughly, this means that p_line

  1. knows how to parse all of the information necessary to create a value of type Line, and
  2. also knows how to create a value of type Line from that parsed input.

On to the body of p_line, we see that this parser tries to run the p_stmt parser on its input. p_stmt has the type Parser Stmt. If p_stmt succeeds, then we transform the result into a Line by applying the Stmt data constructor to the result (which is what Stmt <$> p_stmt does). Otherwise, if p_stmt fails, then the parser tries to run p_expr on the input. If p_expr succeeds, then we transform the result into a Line by applying the Expr data constructor to the result.

Now let’s consider another parser, but from the bottom-up rather than top-down.

p_varExpr :: Parser Expr
p_varExpr = VarExpr <$> p_var

p_var :: Parser String
p_var = some $ oneOf ['a'..'z']

First consider the p_var parser. p_var has the type Parser String, which means it parses input into a String value (and returns that String). It is built out of two parsers from the Megaparsec library: oneOf (link to documentation) and some (link to documentation). oneOf accepts a list of characters as its argument and creates a parser that succeeds when it can parse a single one of those characters from the input. some takes a parser that parses anything and creates a parser that can parse a sequence of the same thing (and puts the results in a list). So, in this case, the oneOf ['a'..'z'] parser succeeds when it can parse a single lowercase character, and some $ oneOf ['a'..'z'] succeeds when it can parse a sequence of lowercase characters (i.e. a String made up of only lowercase characters).

p_varExpr then applies the VarExpr constructor to the String that p_var parses.

This is the general approach to writing parsers using megaparsec – you take the primitive parsers/functions that megaparsec provides, then combine them in various ways to build up parsers for your use-case.

You’ll have to modify this parser to support the new Stmt and Expr constructors that we’ve added, namely FuncStmt and AppExpr.


Write a parser called p_funcStmt that parses a FuncStmt. There will be 3 primary sub-parsers that will be necessary for you to write for this.

The first of these sub-parsers should parse and return a function name. For our calculator, a valid function name starts with a lowercase letter then is followed by zero or more characters that may be lowercase letters, uppercase letters, numbers, or underscore.

Examples of valid function names: f, test, funcTest_1.

Examples of invalid function names: _f, 1test, FuncTest_1.

The second of these parsers should parse a (, followed by a comma-separated list of zero or more variable names (which represent the function argument names) that may be surrounded by any number of spaces, followed by a ). It should return a list containing the argument names as a list of strings ([String]).

Between the second and third parsers, you’ll have to parse a :=.

The third of these sub-parsers should parse and return an expression (the body of the function). You should use p_expr for this.

Note that spaces will not automatically be handled by your parsers – if you want to parse a specific string, like ":=", and ignore any surround spaces, you can use the the symbol function (already defined in src/Parser.hs) which creates a parser that parses the provided string as well as any spaces before/after that string.


Write a parser called p_appExpr that parses an AppExpr. We’ll leave it to you to figure out the details of this one.

Integrating your parsers

Once you define p_funcStmt and p_appExpr, you’ll have to integrate it into the rest of the parser (though, before you do, you can check that they work by themselves with stack test).

Note that, when integrating both of these, you may or may not need the try function – see the Real World Haskell reading for a refresher on what try is for.

To integrate p_funcStmt, you’ll have to add it as one of the options for the p_stmt' parser (not the p_stmt parser – this is the result of a design decision I made to make the parser output a bit simpler for you on the previous part of the project).

To integrate p_appExpr, you’ll have to add it as one of the options for the atom parser. atom represents the list of basic Expr types that can appear on either side of an operator (like +). The expression parser itself is constructed by a function that megaparsec provides called makeExprParser. You shouldn’t have to do anything other than update the atom parser, and everything should work around that.


You’ll have to update exec to handle FuncStmt and update the environment with the appropriate CloVal.


You’ll have to update eval to handle AppExpr. Along with evaluating AppExpr based on user-defined functions as described above, you should also support two built-in functions: sin and cos. Thus, the user should be able to do the following:

> sin(pi)
> cos(0)

When the user inputs one of these functions, you should use the sin and cos functions in Haskell’s Prelude to calculate the result. You should only have to add code to the evaluator to support this functionality.

As a helper function for the sin and cos functionality, you must also implement a function called liftNumFunc. This has a similar purpose to liftNumOp from the previous part, and has the type signature:

liftNumFunc :: (Float -> Float) -> Val -> Val

If the Val input isn’t a NumVal, this function should return ExnVal "Cannot lift." just like liftNumOp did.

Even though there aren’t tests for this function, it is required to write this and the TA will be checking for it.

Error Handling

You do not have to handle the case where the user provides the wrong number of arguments to a function. That is, the following case:

> f(x, y) := x + y
> f(1)

Will not be tested.

Evaluating AppExpr

When the first argument of the input AppExpr refers to a value that isn’t a CloVal, eval should return an ExnVal with the string "Can only apply CloVals.".

When the first argument of the input AppExpr isn’t in the environment, eval should return an ExnVal with a string of the form "Function name <name> is not defined.", where <name> is the name that couldn’t be found.

You can assume function calls always have the correct number of arguments – we will not be testing any other case.


You should use this updated test file to test this project. It includes all the same tests from the previous part, along with additional tests. You can use it to tests the parsers independently before integrating them into the rest of the parser.

Your program should also successfully run with this simple test script. You can run this with ./ (if it doesn’t run the first time, you first have to modify the permissions with chmod +x There are only 2 tests, and they both run a sequence of commands into your program and check that the output is as expected. You can think of these as basic integration tests that ensure your program works as expected when multiple components are tested together (as opposed to the tests in test/Spec.hs, which are more like unit tests). Check out the file if you want to see what cases it’s testing, because it’s not as verbose as stack test.

Additional Updates

There are a couple of updates you’ll have to make to your project to get it to work with the new tests. Download this cabal file and replace yours with that. You also need to add the parsers that you’re implementing to the export list of the Parser module so that they can be tested individually. To do this, open src/Parser.hs and change the top of the file so that it looks likes this:

module Parser
  ( runParser
  , p_line
  , p_funcStmt
  , p_appExpr

If you do this, you’ll have to define p_funcStmt and p_appExpr or you’ll get an error when trying to run the tests. You can temporarily define them as:

p_funcStmt :: Parser Stmt
p_funcStmt = undefined

p_appExpr :: Parser Expr
p_appExpr = undefined



This assignment is worth 175 points.

150 points are allocated to passing all of the required tests, and 25 points are allocated to code quality/readability/comments.


Run stack sdist and submit the resulting file to Canvas. Remember to put your partner’s name in the submission comments if you have one.

Extra Credit

As before, feel free to add additional features to the program for extra credit points (but you should talk to me about it first). Ideas:

Feel free to ask about any of these if you have questions, or let me know of any ideas you come up with!