Final Project, Part 1 – Haskell Calculator

This assignment is due Friday, December 1 by 11:59:59. You may work with a partner on this project

In this assignment, you will be filling in the missing pieces of a calculator implementation written in Haskell. Example run (input lines are prefixed with > , output lines just show a numeric result):

> 1 + 1
> -1 / 9
> x := 3
> x * 2.1
> y := 4; z := 5
> (x + y * z) / 2
> 2 * pi - x

You’ll be starting with this skeleton project.

The steps to get started are the same as in the previous project.

$ tar -xvf calculator-
$ cd calculator-
$ stack setup

Then you can use stack build to build the program.

Note: You’ll get a couple of warnings when you first build the program. These should go away once you’ve implemented the relevant code.


The program uses a REPL to imitate the behavior of a calculator. A REPL is a Read, Evaluate, Print Loop – this is what most interpretors (ghci, irb, python, etc.) do, and the steps generally are:

  1. Read the user’s input and parse it into some internal representation (like an expression or a statement).
  2. Evaluate the parsed result, possibly based on some persistent environment (e.g. a map containing variable assignments that the user specifies, e.g. x = 3).
  3. Print the result of the evaluation.
  4. Loop back to step 1 until the program is terminated.

In this part of the assignment, you will be implementing the Evaluate step of the REPL for this calculator. The Read, Print, and Loop steps are already done for you.

The following diagram illustrates the flow of data through the calculator for a single command:

             <user command>
            |    parser    |
          Successfully parsed?
           |                |
           No              Yes
           |                |
           v                |
      (Print error)         |
              +---Expression or Statement?---+
              |                              |
              v                              v
          Expression                     Statement
              |          Empty Env           |
              |       (initialization)       |
              v              |               v
        +-----------+        v          +----------+  
   +--->| evaluator |<-------+--------->| executor |<---+
   |    +-----------+                   +----------+    |
   |          |                              |          |
   |          |                              |          |
   |          v                              v          |
   |        value                           env'        |
   |          |                              |          |
   |          v                              |          |
   |    (Print value)                        |          |
   |                                         |          |
   |                                         v          |

Notice the Env in the diagram, which represents the environment. The environment stores all variable bindings that the user specifies (more on this below). When the program first starts, the environment will be empty (shown by Empty Env in the diagram), then the user can update the environment by passing in statements (as indicated by the output of the executor env', which denotes an updated environment). The evaluator, on the other hand, simply reads the environment (along with the user’s input expression) to produce a single value that is then printed to the screen.


The parser implements the Read step of the REPL, while the evaluator and executor implement the Execute step. The evaluator is ran whenever the user inputs an expression, while the executor is run whenever the user inputs a statement.

The parser has already been written for you. You’ll be extending this on the next part of the assignment, but for now you can leave it alone. The parser is in src/Parser.hs.

The parser accepts a basic set of forms for inputting expressions that should be somewhat familiar to you. For example, the following input is acceptable as an expression:

1 * (2 + 3) - 10 / -3.5

This parser has its limitations though – for example, you can only negate literal numbers. E.g. -1 * 8 is valid, but -pi and -(1 + 9) are not. You would have to modify the latter expressions to -1 * pi and -1 * (1 + 9) for them to parse correctly.

Regarding variables names in statements, the parser only accepts strings of lowercase letters as valid. So the following inputs are valid:

x := 3
counter := 0

But these are not:

x1 := 1
snowCrash := 2


An expression is some arbitrarily complex combination of inputs and operations that evaluates down to a single value.

Example expression input by the user: 1 + 2, which evaluates to the value 3.

In the code, the evaluator is a function called eval, which has the type signature:

eval :: Expr -> Env -> Val

So the evaluator accepts an input expression, the current environment, and returns the final value that the expression evaluates to. See the next section for more on the environment.


A statement alters the environment in some way. This is indicated by the type signature of exec, which is the executor for statements in our calculator:

exec :: Stmt -> Env -> Env

exec accepts a statement and an environment, and updates the environment based on the statement. The environment holds variable declarations – specifically, it is a mapping from variable names to corresponding values.

Example statement input by the user: x := 3, which updates the environment with a map from the variable name "x" to the value that represents 3.


The types are defined in src/Common.hs.


Val is used to represent a value. The data declaration is:

data Val = NumVal Float
         | ExnVal String

A Val is the result of evaluating an Expr in the current Env. You can think of this calculator as a very simple programming language where expressions can only evaluate into floating point numbers (we could also have strings, integers, lists, … but we won’t).

The successful evaluation of an expression produces a NumVal Float, where the Float is the calculated value. An unsuccessful expression evaluation results in an ExnVal String (ExnVal is short for exception value), where the String is an error message indicating the source of the error.


Expr is used to represent an expression. The data declaration is:

data Expr = NumExpr      Float
          | ConstExpr    String
          | VarExpr      String
          | AddExpr      Expr Expr
          | SubtractExpr Expr Expr
          | MultiplyExpr Expr Expr
          | DivideExpr   Expr Expr

NumExpr Float

A NumExpr represents an Expr that contains a single number.

Example: User input 3 parses to NumExpr 3.0 and evaluates to NumVal 3.0.

ConstExpr String

ConstExpr is for common mathematical constants, like pi or e. The constructor just contains the name of the constant – the eval function will convert it to an actual number.

Example: User input pi parses to ConstExpr "pi" and evaluates to NumVal 3.1415927.

The list of supported constant names and corresponding values is stored in the consts map in src/Common.hs. You should use this map to look up constants when implementing eval for ConstExpr.

VarExpr String

A VarExpr holds the name of a variable that the user wishes to access. Of course, the user must have declared the value of the variable in a statement prior to calling it in an expression.

Example: User input x parses to VarExpr "x" and evaluates to NumVal <xVal>, where <xVal> is the value x was previously set to by the user in a statement (see the description of the Stmt type below).

AddExpr Expr Expr

AddExpr is one of four operator expressions, which take two sub-expressions and combine them in some way. When evaluated, AddExpr adds the values that each of its Expr arguments evaluate to.

Example: User input x + 2 parses to AddExpr (VarExpr "x") (NumExpr 2.0) and, assuming the value of x was previousy set to 3, evaluates to NumVal 5.0.

SubtractExpr Expr Expr

The second of the four operator expressions. When evaluated, SubtractExpr subtracts the result of evaluating the second Expr from the result of evaluating the first Expr.

Example: User input 1 - y parses to SubtractExpr (NumExpr 1.0) (VarExpr "y").

MultiplyExpr Expr Expr

The second of the four operator expressions. When evaluated, MultiplyExpr multiplies the values that each of its Expr arguments evaluate to.

Example: User input -1 * 8 parses to MultiplyExpr (NumExpr (-1.0)) (NumExpr 8.0) and evaluates to NumVal (-8.0).

DivideExpr Expr Expr

The second of the four operator expressions. When evaluated, DivideExpr divides the value that the first Expr evaluates to by the value that the second Expr evaluates to.

Example: User input 8 / pi parses to DivideExpr (NumExpr 8.0) (ConstExpr "pi") and evaluates to NumVal 2.546479.


Stmt is used to represent a statement. The data declaration is:

data Stmt = SetStmt  String Expr
          | SeqStmt  [Stmt]

SetStmt String Expr

A SetStmt represents a variable declaration. The String field represents the name of the variable and the Expr is the expression that wil be evaluated into a Val – this Val is then stored as the value associated with that variable name.

Example: User input x := 3 is parsed to SetStmt "x" (NumExpr 3.0).

SeqStmt [Stmt]

A SeqStmt is a sequence of statements. This allows the user to pass in a semicolon-separated list of statements (represented by the [Stmt] field) that are executed in sequence.

Example: User input x := 1; z := 2 is parsed to SeqStmt [SetStmt "x" (NumExpr 1.0),SetStmt "z" (NumExpr 2.0)].

Running the Program

There are a few ways you can run the program for testing purposes. Note that whenever you run the executable, you’ll know that it’s ready when you see the following line:


Before you’ve implemented anything, you can play with the parser a bit to get a better idea of how a parsed expression looks. You can do this by running the program with the -p option:

stack exec calculator-exe -- -p

Don’t forget the -- whenever you’re passing an option in!

Try inputting the following lines to see what the result of the parser gives you:

> 1 * 9
> x := 3

Once you’ve started to implement the eval and exec functions, you can get more detailed output for testing by running the program in debug mode with -d:

stack exec calculator-exe -- -d

This will print the same parser result for each input as -p gives, but will also show you the result of running the input. When you input an expression, it’ll show the value that it evaluates to; when you input a statement, it’ll show the updated environment after executing the statement.

Note that you can test partially-implemented eval and exec functions, as long as your input matches the cases you’ve already implemented. For example, if you’ve implemented eval for AddExpr but not SubtractExpr, you’ll be able to test inputs like 1 + 2 but not 1 - 2.

Finally, you can run the calculator in normal mode simply by running the program with no arguments:

stack exec calculator-exe

This is meant to be the actual program that a user would interact with – it prints the result of evaluating an expression, but does not print anything when executing a statement.

Specific Requirements

You’ll primarily be editing the code in src/Lib.hs, which is where the evaluator and executor functions are. You’ll also add a bit of code to src/Common.hs. The command-line interface (CLI) to the functionality you’ll write is in app/Main.hs – you should take a look at this code to get a sense of what’s happening, even though it uses syntax we haven’t discussed. There are functions in src/Lib.hs that help bridge between the code you’ll write, the parser, and the CLI – these functions are run, runInput, and runLine. The first two have been implemented for you, and you’ll implement runLine as described below.

You must fully define all of the currently undefined functions in src/Lib.hs. Each function is listed below, along with a description of how it should work.


runLine :: Line -> Env -> (Env, Maybe Val)

The runLine function accepts a Line, which contains either a Stmt or an Expr:

data Line = Stmt Stmt | Expr Expr

This constructor looks weird, but remember that in a data constructor the first word is the name of the constructor, which is followed by a list of the types of the arguments. So, in this case, the constructors have the same name as their argument types.

The second argument of runLine, which has type Env, is the input environment. The return tuple contains the environment after the line is ran. When determining how to write this function, remember the following:


eval :: Expr -> Env -> Val

Implements the previously discussed expression evaluator.


exec :: Stmt -> Env -> Env

Implements the previously discussed statement executor.

When calling exec with a SeqStmt as the first argument, e.g. if the user inputs:

x := 3; x := 1

the environment should be updated from left-to-right – therefore, after the above line is executed, the value of x should be 1, not 3.


liftNumOp :: (Float -> Float -> Float) -> Val -> Val -> Val

This function is meant to be used when you define the eval function for the operator expressions (AddExpr, SubtractExpr, MultiplyExpr, and DivideExpr). The first input is a function over Floats – you should use Haskell’s built-in (+), (-), (*), and (/) functions here. The next two inputs are two Vals that you want to combine together to produce the output Val (using whichever mathematical operator was input as the first argument).

So why’s it called liftNumOp? ‘Lifting’ is a common design pattern in functional programming. In this case, one way to look at the purpose of liftNumOp is that it’s transforming a function over Floats into a function over Vals:

liftNumOp :: (Float -> Float -> Float) -> (Val -> Val -> Val)

If first input argument is (+), we might say that liftNumOp is lifting the (+) operator from working on Floats to working on Vals.

More concretely, the liftNumOp function is simply handling the wrapping/unwrapping of its input/output Val arguments for us. If you didn’t use this function to implement eval for the operator expressions, you would have to put values in/out of the NumVal constructor manually many more times. liftNumOp is simply handling that boilerplate pattern code for us.

Error Handling

As mentioned above, errors in expression evaluation are expressed with ExnVal. For your code to pass all of the tests, you’ll have to match the exact error messages that I have.

Undefined constant or variable

When the eval tries to evaluate a ConstExpr <c> where <c> is not in the consts map, eval should return an ExnVal of the form:

ExnVal "Constant <c> is not defined."

For example, the expression

eval (ConstExpr "G") env

should evaluate to

ExnVal "Constant G is not defined."

A similar rule applies to VarExpr <v>, where <v> is not in the environment. The result should be of the form:

ExnVal "Variable name <v> is not defined."

Division by zero

When eval is called on a DivideExpr where the denominator evaluates to NumVal 0.0, eval should return:

ExnVal "Division by zero."


liftNumOp should fail when either or both of its arguments are ExnVal. The returned value should be:

ExnVal "Cannot lift."

Show Val

As mentioned above, running the program without any arguments will print the result of any expressions that the user inputs. You’ll notice that the output looks something like NumVal <number>, e.g.

> 1 + 1
NumVal 2.0

We wouldn’t want users to see the output in this format, so we should modify the Show instance for Vals.

Go to src/Common.hs. Notice that the data declaration for Val has Show in its list of derived typeclass instances. Remove the Show from this list and implement a custom Show instance that prints out values in a more readable manner.

Your result should change the previous example output to be:

> 1 + 1

As far as printing ExnVals, you should just prepend "Error: " to the string that the ExnVal contains:

> 1 / 0
Error: Divison by zero.c

See Chapter 8 of the textbook for examples of how to do this.


You’re not required to write additional tests for this assignment. The provided tests should give sufficient coverage to ensure that you’ve met all of the requirements for functionality.



This assignment is worth 175 points.

150 points are allocated to passing all of the required tests, and 25 points are allocated to code quality/readability/comments.

Do your best to capitalize on the features of Haskell and functional programming in general – e.g. use pattern matching, case expressions, higher-level functions (one of the fold functions is particularly useful at one point in this assignment), etc. As a point of potential interest: I used quite a few case expressions in my code, and I did not use a single guard expression. If you’re using guard expressions frequently, there’s probably a better way.

Please post on Piazza or come talk to me if you want to improve your Haskell code in these kinds of ways but are just uncomfortable/uncertain how to. It will make your code more bearable to deal with in the long run.


As before, run stack sdist and submit the resulting calculator- file to Canvas. Remember to put your partner’s name in the submission comments if you have one.

Other Details

Imports and Interface

You may add additional imports to src/Lib.hs – however, note that I left all of the imports I used for my implementation.

Do not change the interfaces of the provided files or functions – i.e., do not change the list of functions/types exported from any of the files, or the type signatures of any of the functions that have been provided.

Precedence for Operator Expressions

The parser handles all precedence ordering for you when it comes to expressions. For example, the input

1 + 2 * 3

parses to

AddExpr (NumExpr 1.0) (MultiplyExpr (NumExpr 2.0) (NumExpr 3.0))

And the input

2 * 3 + 1

parses to

AddExpr (MultiplyExpr (NumExpr 2.0) (NumExpr 3.0)) (NumExpr 1.0)

Note the nesting of the expressions in both cases – the multiplication happens first, and the addition happens second. This makes the eval function more straightforward to write for these expressions.


The Env is implemented using a hash map from the unordered-containers package. See the documentation for information on how to use it. Note that I left the imports I used from that package at the top of src/Lib.hs – you shouldn’t need anything other than the functions that I imported, but you can change the imports if you want.

Extra Credit

You may add any additional features to the program for extra credit points. Ideas for this:

If you have any other ideas for potential extra credit, please discuss your idea with me before you implement it.